Ko var uztaisīt no parastās izdegušās spuldzītes? Pārsvarā vāzes priekš mazām puķītēm, bet visdažādākos izpildījumos, kā arī labs variants - uzreiz mazu mājas terrariumu. Var arī uztaisīt spirta lampiņu, ļoti jauks variants ar speciju trauciņiem, vai arī izpausties un radīt veselu skupltūru. Viss ir Jūsu rokās.
What can be made from a ussual burnt light bulb? Mostly making vases for small flowers, but in a variety of performance, as well as a good option - already a small home terrarium. You can also make a alcohol lamp, a very nice option with the species vials, or express yourselves and create a whole sculpture. Everything is in your hands.
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Here's one more lamp chandelier )) with instruction http://kvotvet.ru/doc/1122.htm
AtbildētDzēstThank you, so good description! :)