2011. gada 5. marts

Bent acrylic lamp.

Robs Edvards savā blogā bija ievietojis lampas veidošanas aprakstu. Pirmās divas bildes - ko aptuveni viņš gribējis dabūt, trešā - kas sanāca. Lampa tiek veidota no orgstikla, kurš ir salocīts ar lodlampas palīdzību, tad pa virsu tika pielīmēta vajadzīgas krāsas līmplēve un tika piestiprināta LED lampiņu ķēde, tas arī ir viss. Kā saka - viss ģeniālais ir prasts.

Rob Edward on his blog had posted a description of making a lamp. The first two pictures - about what he wanted to get, the third - that came up. The lamp is made from scrap acrylic, which was bended into the shape needed by the heat gun. Then the veneer, which already had a paper backer with heat activated glue, was glued on top. And the adhesive LED strip light was attached, that's it. As they say - everything genius is simple.


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