Double T-shirt dress
Patiesi ģeniāla ideja kā radīt kleitu no diviem T-krekliem uztaisot tikai trīs šūves. Sašujot kreklus apkakla vietā un piedurknēs, veidojot kabatus. Bet kurš teica ka jāsašuj tieši šādā veidā? Izskatītos tik pat interesanti ja, piemēram, augšējai daļai ņemtu pieguļošu krekliņu. Mans variants veidots no krekla ar garām piedurknēm, nogriezot piedurknes, atstājot gabalu kabatām, audums pietika augšējai daļai, kā arī lencītēm.
A truly ingenious idea on how to create the dress of the two T-shirts. Make only three stitches.Stitched shirt collar and sleeves instead, creating pockets. But who said that it has to be stiched this way? It would look just as interesting if, for example, the upper part of take-fittingshirt. My version is made of a shirt with long sleeves, cutting off the sleeves, leaving a piece for pockets, the cloth is enough for the upper part, as well as straps.
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